Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

G-20 Cops Force Handcuffed Student To Pose For Group Photo

Text from Huffingtonpost: The video shows nearly a dozen Chicago cops gathering around a handcuffed man while another officer apparently takes a group photo. The Tribune identified the handcuffed man as Kyle Kramer, a college student. Kramer appears to have been brought out and put on the ground in front of the officers as the centerpiece of the picture.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Breaking News: Bernie Goldberg Grows Testicles

This is Bernie Goldberg on O'Reilly telling Billo The Clown that Fox News is pretty much not fair and balanced. He even gets Bill to agree that Fox News was and is a cheerleader for the Teabag, I mean Teaparty movement. This is news because usually, Bernie is asked to be a guest on Bill's show so that he can kiss Bill's ass and further the notion that all media are corrupt and out to tear down Fox News. Bill must have been fuming on the inside. Now, I'm sure if you watch tonight, Bill would have collected his thoughts and he'll probably answer Goldberg's analysis with some B.S. Talking Points memo when Goldberg isn't around to defend himself.

Michael Moore Tells It Like It Is

From Anderson Cooper's 360, Michael Moore talks about the public option being voted down in the Senate Finance Committee. He's the only true Progressive who's been on tv in a long while. Have a little patience and watch to the end. Michael says what I have known for a long time, Democrats are the gang that can't shoot straight.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rep. Alan Grayson Asks REAL Questions

This is a Congressman from Florida asking some of the most important questions you will ever hear about the U.S. economy. I love how he laughs in Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's face The right wingers continue their fake outrage at proposed spending for healthcare reform and Acorn.....Well, in that case I'm sure they will be very interested in this.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Is This Racist?

These right wingers always claim that they haven't uttered a single racist word. Ok, he didn't call them "Engines" but, is this racist in nature?

Welcome To The "New" America. You Like It?

This is footgage from the much hyped (by Glenn Beck and Fox News) 9/12 demonstration in Washington D.C. In the clip you can see a very angry white guy continuously harass a couple of black teenagers and a female adult. The guy does not let up. At one point he calls the black teenage male "boy", which I think is still a no-no where I'm from. The guy also claims that one of these teens assaulted him. He claims to have video proof, although I've seen none. At the end, he's interviewed by a "citizen journalist" and claims that these teens incited him!!!! As if I didn't just watch over 5 minutes of this idiot attempting to incite the teens!! I applaud the class that these teens displayed as they were being harassed by this psyco. In reality though, the guy needs a beatdown. Seriously.

Now, what do you suppose would have happened if an angry, middle-aged black man was following white teens and females while screaming at them? I'm pretty sure there would have been an immedite uproar and the black man would have ended up on the wrong side of a taser.

What The Fuck Is This?

Looks to me like a single protester was singled out at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh and arrested by U.S. military forces. And the difference between this and China is........?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mayor of Memphis Greets Dalai Lama With A Fist Bump

I actually thought this was kind of cool. I almost expected them to break out into a freestyle rap battle. (That was for you Daniel). I did want to smack the fillings out of his mouth for that "hello Dalai" joke. You gotta come a little better than that.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Will Ferrell Comes Out Against The Public Option

Not really, this just puts into focus what the "teabagger" crowd is actually supporting. Of course, those people will probably never see this and even if they did, it would probably go right over their heads.

Friday, September 11, 2009

U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson Calls President Obama A Liar During Speech

For those 2 or 3 people that read this blog, I've been busy. I'm back.

During Obama's speech on healthcare to a joint session of Congress, Rep. Joe "The Heckler" Wilson yells out "You lie" when Obama points out that no illegal aliens would benefit from the new healthcare bill. You can see the stunned looks of Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Keep in mind that this type of behavior has NEVER happened in the history of this country.

The clip below is of Keith Olbermann's stripping of the heckler. Must see.

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment On Rep. Joe Wilson

This is another one of Keith's great special comments

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rachel Maddow On Anti-Choice Hate Activists.

Yet another great report by Rachel Maddow. She interviews LeRoy Carhart, an abortion doctor who's suddenly entered the literal crosshairs of the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Edward Kennedy Dead At 77

The man known as "The Liberal Lion" was a tireless advocate for civil rights, worker's rights, and of course, healthcare. Considered by many to have been the most gifted legislator in the Senate, Kennedy succumbed to brain cancer early Wednsday morning. The last surviving Kennedy brother will be missed. They simply don't make 'em like this anymore. Again, I say, they DO NOT make 'em like this anymore.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jon Stewart Takes On Betsy McCaughey On Healthcare Distortions

If you ever wanted to know why Jon Stewart is becoming known as the new "most trusted voice in news" look no further than these two clips. The execs at CNN, NBC, CBS and Fox News should use this as training for new anchors. It's called research.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Betsy McCaughey Pt. 1
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Part 2

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Betsy McCaughey Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lunatic Woman Screams Heil Hitler To A Jewish Man

This woman, who is the textbook definition of a bitch, not only yells "Heil Hitler" while the Jewish man is being interviewed (36 seconds in you can hear her in the back), but she also mocks the man's claims of long waits and insane prices of emergency room visits. Textbook definition of a bitch.

Rachel Maddow Talks Townhalls And Guns

Barney Frank Handles His Business At TownHall

This is how all elected officials should respond when confronted by wingnuts.

So you want to get up and make wild accusations so you can get on tv that night huh? You got your wish and you got owned.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Irrepressable Former Congressman James Traficant Of Ohio

If you don't know who James Traficant is, he used to be a Democratic Congressman from the State of Ohio. He was expelled after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns, racketeering, and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and on his houseboat in Washington, D.C. He served an eight-year prison term. I'm not sure if he's been turned loose yet or not but, I know that he'll be out real soon. Out of all of the corrupt politicians in D.C., this guy is my favorite. He seems to be angry about hypocrisy. He doesn't use that word hypocrisy but, he seems to be offended by the Congress's "holier than thou" approach to him. Good for him.

I have a series of James Traficant clips below. Because he's entertaining.

Classic James Traficant Clip

It's a real hearing about disciplining the Congressman. He says what the fuck he feels.

James Traficant Goes To Town On The I.R.S.

James Traficant Defends Himself

He actually talks about the Mob influence in Ohio.

Even More James Traficant

I don't know what year this was but, it was a while ago. I find it interesting that at the very end of the clip, the former Congressman mentions Enron. This was a long time before Enron exploded as a scandal.

Colbert On Glenn Beck's Vanishing Sponsors

If you didn't already know, Glenn Beck has lost quite few sponsors in the aftermath of calling Obama a racist. Here, Stephen Colbert takes a closer look at what this means for the nations #1 fearmonger.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Glenn-Harried Glenn-Lost
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMeryl Streep

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reality Smacks The Democrats In The Face: Obama Caught Double Dealing

I said this would happen. Click the link.

Brainwashed Republican Regurgitates McCain's Crappy Talking Points

This may be the one of the most pure examples of how propaganda works. First of all, this guy, like all the other townhall crazies has no idea what he's talking about. He offers nothing specific but repeats whatever all the other crazies are saying. It gets downright funny when he can't think of anything useful to say and descends into John McCain's failed campaign speech. Priceless.

McCain Speech

Here is the orginal, crappy ass speech McCain gave about 1,000 times in 1,000 days during the last presidential campaign. Skip ahead to the 2:50 point to see where the townhall guy lifted his talking points.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Woman Has Her Rosa Parks Poster Snatched At McCaskill TownHall

I find it ridiculous that the woman with the poster was escorted out by police. She did nothing wrong. (Make sure you click the full screen for this one)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blackwater CEO Erik Prince Implicated In Murder and Gunrunning

Another company whose sole purpose is war profiteering. Who would have thought they would behave in anything but a totally ethical fashion? Makes you wonder why Obama keeps them on the government payroll.

Maddow On The Manufactured Mob Practices Of The GOP

Rachel correctly points out that this round of organized GOP disruption insn't their firt foray into angry mob tactics.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

All Time Best Cheney Clip

Some guy tells the VP what he really thinks.

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment On Healthcare

Keith explains how GOP and Blue Dog Democrat opposition to health reform is bought and paid for. Very powerful commentary.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Tim Wise Speaks About White Privilege

Great commentary by Tim Wise on issues surrounding race and white privilege. If you are averse to facts don't watch this.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The End Of Wall Street- Part 2- Why It Happened

Part two of the online series from the Wall Street Journal.
Note: You may disable the captions. Controls on the top right of video.

Ben Stein: "I Have Plenty Of Friends Who Are Racist"

The quote comes at the 4 minute mark in this video. Interesting that when Stein admits that he has racist friends, Beck dosen't seem to hammer him. I mean, according to Glenn Beck, Obama has racist friends (which I haven't seen evidence of) so he's racist. But, Stein ADMITS to having racist friends and his credibility is never questioned. Now what if Obama said, "yeah, i have racist friends"? Would he have ANY credibility?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cops Caught On Camera Framing Woman

Watch as this cop attempts to fabricate evidence against this innocent woman.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Glenn Beck Calls Obama A Racist

I love how Beck first says "I'm not saying he dosen't like white people" and then goes on to call Obama a racist. Note: How can Obama be racist when he's appointed or hired more white people than any other black President in history?

Isn't this how conservatives defended Bush? He had Colin and Condi so he couldn't be a racist, right? The fact that he didn't react to Hurrican Katrina until 5 days later had nothing to do with his lack of concern for African-Americans.

Colin Powell Speaks On Professor Gates

From the interview with Larry King.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

G. Gordon Liddy Contorts To Imply Obama Not A U.S. Citizen

It should be no surprise that a right wing shill like Gordon Liddy would jump on this conspiracy theory. Of course Liddy himself has had a few problems with credibility. From Wikipedia:Liddy was the Nixon Administration liaison and leader of the group of five men who broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Complex with the intent to plant listening devices. John Dean had been given the responsibility for overall campaign intelligence by H.R. Haldeman, and recommended Liddy as intelligence chief to the Committee to Re-elect the President to Jeb Magruder, the Deputy Director. [4] Liddy did not participate in the break-in himself, insomuch as he did not actually enter the Watergate Complex, rather, he admitted to supervising the break-in from another hotel across the street. For his crime, which he coordinated with Hunt, Liddy was convicted of conspiracy, burglary and illegal wiretapping. Liddy was sentenced to a 20-year prison term and was ordered to pay $40,000 in fines. He began serving the sentence on January 30, 1973. On April 12, 1977, President Jimmy Carter commuted Liddy's sentence to eight years

The End of Wall Street

A new web series put together by The Wall Street Journal. This is part 1.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pot Meet Kettle: Beck explains his screaming fit to O'Reilly of all people

Beck reaches new heights of crazy while reacting to a caller he doesn't seem to agree with. You can stop watching after the 1:13 mark if you wish, the juicy part is at the beginning. It's ironic that O'Reilly would have Beck on to discuss this, given his own legendary cage match with a teleprompter.

Do you think cable news is pretty decent, only some of the hosts are batshit crazy? C'mon, follow me....

The Famous O'Reilly Meltdown From "Inside Edition"

It never stops being funny. Perhaps he should do a "body language" segment on his show about this.

Little Bill O'Reilly

Funny Spoof Of O'Reilly Breakdown

Chris Matthews Brings Knowledge To The Birthers

California Congressman John Campbell has a hard time taking a stand for common sense. Matthews even shows Obama's Birth Certificate for posterity. Still Campbell doesn't bite. Well, maybe he took a nibble.

Colbert Takes On Torture In "The Word"

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - A Perfect World
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMark Sanford

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jim Quinn Calls Sen. Boxer The "B" Word

This is from the July 17th, 2009 radio broadcast of "The War Room with Quinn & Rose. Towards the end of the clip, you'll hear Mr. Quinn slap a crude moniker on Sen. Barbara Boxer. But you don't see Boxer whining in the media about it like Sarah Palin, do you?

Lauryn Hill Unplugged

Ann Coulter Embraces Her Wrongness

Saying Ann Coulter is wrong is redundant but still, good video.

Nancy Grace Is An Idiot

I will be posting many more videos of public figures being owned on camera because it's just funny. In this clip Nancy gets owned by Elizabeth Smart who was kidnapped and later found.

2 thoughts: 1. This is what a really crappy "journalist" looks like and 2. Nancy's ears don't work to well.

Janeane Garofalo Sends Brian Kilmeade Back To The Kiddie Table

This an old segment from Fox & Friends where Brian Kilmeade is caught on camera being dumfounded by Janeane Garofalo. Probably the most entertaining segment in the show's history. It gets heated too.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walter Cronkite Dead At 92

Known as "The Most Trusted Man In America", television news giant Walter Cronkite has died at the age of 92 from complications of dementia. Cronkite was in the anchor chair to report some of the most memorable moments of the 20th century, including the first moon landing, the assasination of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the assasination of President John F. Kennedy.

Cronkite always ended his nightly news broadcast by announcing "and that's the way it is"


Friday, July 17, 2009

More C Street Reporting

If you haven't seen the first C Street video that was posted, please scroll down and review that one first.

Why Is Fox News Not Talking About The C Street Group?

This is a brilliant piece of reporting by Rachel Maddow of MSNBC. Her reporting sheds light on a secret religious group of Republican lawmakers who adhere to their "own" code of ethics which apparently doesn't involve being honest with the people who elected them. Seems they are only answerable to themselves. I just wonder why Fox News, with all it's investigative reporting on Obama's associations and Clinton's fundraising, hasn't sniffed this one out. Heck, they knew about Ensign because the husband of the woman he was cheating with went to Fox News... of all places, hoping the cable "news" channel could make Ensign stop sleeping with his wife!! You mean they didn't send Griff Jenkins to Ensign's doorstep for one of those famous ambush interviews? Maybe it was just an oversight.

Jon Stewart Owns Lindsey Graham

Some analysis of the Sonia Sotomayor hearings. Lindsey Graham takes it on the chin. "Old lesbian" lol.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
White Men Can't Judge - Sotomayor: Judgment Days
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

Is The GOP Trying To Threaten Obama?

Virginia GOP Delegation nominee, Catherine Crabill says that if the ballot box doesn't work, we can resort to the "bullet box". So......if you can't get what you want by voting in an election then you'll..........? Maybe DHS should ask her what she meant.

The Brilliance Of Right Wing Radio

A 2 minute collection of the intellectual stylings of some prominent right wing radio talk show hosts including Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham and Rush.

Pat Buchanan Calls Sotomayor "Affirmative Action" Nominee

According to Pat Buchanan, Sonia Sotomayor was chosen for the Supreme Court by Obama because she is Latina and a woman. Forget the fact that she graduated at the top of her class at Yale and she has more judicial experience than any other Supreme Court nominee in history. Sounds like Pat is saying Sotomayor shouldn't be confirmed to the Supreme Court BECAUSE she is a Latina woman.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Maybe We Should Question Jeff Sessions About This

Wouldn't it be great if Jeff Sessions were up for some sort of confirmation hearing? That way we could cut this clip at the beginning and then grill him about whether or not he's a drug addict? It's not nice when people take your words out of context is it Mr. Sessions?

Hannity Puts On His Tin Foil Hat

Are these NeoCons (emphasis on Con) serious? Is this how they're going to win back the White House? These guys are still pressing the bogus argument that our President wasn't born in the United States. I would post the link of the Birth Certificate but you can find it yourself by Googling "Obama Birth Certificate"

Peter King aka Congressman Scumbag

It's so hard for Conservatives to appreciate the fact that a lot of people adored Michael Jackson. Yes, the news coverage was a little much but, the media covers tons of stories ad nauseum. King goes waaaaay over the top by branding Jackson a pedophile. What a disgrace. Shouldn't the good Rep be worried about why the Republicants continue to lose ground with American voters? This, in my opinion is just more red meat for his kooky base.

Savage Hypocrisy over Sotomayor

I just find it totally funny that Michael Savage can't recongnize that one's life experience may have some input on how they might decide cases. I mean, minorities were never treated worse than anyone else by white judges and juries, right?