Friday, August 14, 2009

The Irrepressable Former Congressman James Traficant Of Ohio

If you don't know who James Traficant is, he used to be a Democratic Congressman from the State of Ohio. He was expelled after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns, racketeering, and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and on his houseboat in Washington, D.C. He served an eight-year prison term. I'm not sure if he's been turned loose yet or not but, I know that he'll be out real soon. Out of all of the corrupt politicians in D.C., this guy is my favorite. He seems to be angry about hypocrisy. He doesn't use that word hypocrisy but, he seems to be offended by the Congress's "holier than thou" approach to him. Good for him.

I have a series of James Traficant clips below. Because he's entertaining.

Classic James Traficant Clip

It's a real hearing about disciplining the Congressman. He says what the fuck he feels.

James Traficant Goes To Town On The I.R.S.

James Traficant Defends Himself

He actually talks about the Mob influence in Ohio.

Even More James Traficant

I don't know what year this was but, it was a while ago. I find it interesting that at the very end of the clip, the former Congressman mentions Enron. This was a long time before Enron exploded as a scandal.

Colbert On Glenn Beck's Vanishing Sponsors

If you didn't already know, Glenn Beck has lost quite few sponsors in the aftermath of calling Obama a racist. Here, Stephen Colbert takes a closer look at what this means for the nations #1 fearmonger.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Glenn-Harried Glenn-Lost
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMeryl Streep

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reality Smacks The Democrats In The Face: Obama Caught Double Dealing

I said this would happen. Click the link.

Brainwashed Republican Regurgitates McCain's Crappy Talking Points

This may be the one of the most pure examples of how propaganda works. First of all, this guy, like all the other townhall crazies has no idea what he's talking about. He offers nothing specific but repeats whatever all the other crazies are saying. It gets downright funny when he can't think of anything useful to say and descends into John McCain's failed campaign speech. Priceless.

McCain Speech

Here is the orginal, crappy ass speech McCain gave about 1,000 times in 1,000 days during the last presidential campaign. Skip ahead to the 2:50 point to see where the townhall guy lifted his talking points.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Woman Has Her Rosa Parks Poster Snatched At McCaskill TownHall

I find it ridiculous that the woman with the poster was escorted out by police. She did nothing wrong. (Make sure you click the full screen for this one)