Friday, July 31, 2009

Tim Wise Speaks About White Privilege

Great commentary by Tim Wise on issues surrounding race and white privilege. If you are averse to facts don't watch this.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The End Of Wall Street- Part 2- Why It Happened

Part two of the online series from the Wall Street Journal.
Note: You may disable the captions. Controls on the top right of video.

Ben Stein: "I Have Plenty Of Friends Who Are Racist"

The quote comes at the 4 minute mark in this video. Interesting that when Stein admits that he has racist friends, Beck dosen't seem to hammer him. I mean, according to Glenn Beck, Obama has racist friends (which I haven't seen evidence of) so he's racist. But, Stein ADMITS to having racist friends and his credibility is never questioned. Now what if Obama said, "yeah, i have racist friends"? Would he have ANY credibility?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cops Caught On Camera Framing Woman

Watch as this cop attempts to fabricate evidence against this innocent woman.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Glenn Beck Calls Obama A Racist

I love how Beck first says "I'm not saying he dosen't like white people" and then goes on to call Obama a racist. Note: How can Obama be racist when he's appointed or hired more white people than any other black President in history?

Isn't this how conservatives defended Bush? He had Colin and Condi so he couldn't be a racist, right? The fact that he didn't react to Hurrican Katrina until 5 days later had nothing to do with his lack of concern for African-Americans.

Colin Powell Speaks On Professor Gates

From the interview with Larry King.