Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Breaking News: Bernie Goldberg Grows Testicles

This is Bernie Goldberg on O'Reilly telling Billo The Clown that Fox News is pretty much not fair and balanced. He even gets Bill to agree that Fox News was and is a cheerleader for the Teabag, I mean Teaparty movement. This is news because usually, Bernie is asked to be a guest on Bill's show so that he can kiss Bill's ass and further the notion that all media are corrupt and out to tear down Fox News. Bill must have been fuming on the inside. Now, I'm sure if you watch tonight, Bill would have collected his thoughts and he'll probably answer Goldberg's analysis with some B.S. Talking Points memo when Goldberg isn't around to defend himself.

Michael Moore Tells It Like It Is

From Anderson Cooper's 360, Michael Moore talks about the public option being voted down in the Senate Finance Committee. He's the only true Progressive who's been on tv in a long while. Have a little patience and watch to the end. Michael says what I have known for a long time, Democrats are the gang that can't shoot straight.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rep. Alan Grayson Asks REAL Questions

This is a Congressman from Florida asking some of the most important questions you will ever hear about the U.S. economy. I love how he laughs in Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's face The right wingers continue their fake outrage at proposed spending for healthcare reform and Acorn.....Well, in that case I'm sure they will be very interested in this.