Thursday, July 23, 2009

G. Gordon Liddy Contorts To Imply Obama Not A U.S. Citizen

It should be no surprise that a right wing shill like Gordon Liddy would jump on this conspiracy theory. Of course Liddy himself has had a few problems with credibility. From Wikipedia:Liddy was the Nixon Administration liaison and leader of the group of five men who broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Complex with the intent to plant listening devices. John Dean had been given the responsibility for overall campaign intelligence by H.R. Haldeman, and recommended Liddy as intelligence chief to the Committee to Re-elect the President to Jeb Magruder, the Deputy Director. [4] Liddy did not participate in the break-in himself, insomuch as he did not actually enter the Watergate Complex, rather, he admitted to supervising the break-in from another hotel across the street. For his crime, which he coordinated with Hunt, Liddy was convicted of conspiracy, burglary and illegal wiretapping. Liddy was sentenced to a 20-year prison term and was ordered to pay $40,000 in fines. He began serving the sentence on January 30, 1973. On April 12, 1977, President Jimmy Carter commuted Liddy's sentence to eight years

The End of Wall Street

A new web series put together by The Wall Street Journal. This is part 1.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pot Meet Kettle: Beck explains his screaming fit to O'Reilly of all people

Beck reaches new heights of crazy while reacting to a caller he doesn't seem to agree with. You can stop watching after the 1:13 mark if you wish, the juicy part is at the beginning. It's ironic that O'Reilly would have Beck on to discuss this, given his own legendary cage match with a teleprompter.

Do you think cable news is pretty decent, only some of the hosts are batshit crazy? C'mon, follow me....

The Famous O'Reilly Meltdown From "Inside Edition"

It never stops being funny. Perhaps he should do a "body language" segment on his show about this.

Little Bill O'Reilly

Funny Spoof Of O'Reilly Breakdown

Chris Matthews Brings Knowledge To The Birthers

California Congressman John Campbell has a hard time taking a stand for common sense. Matthews even shows Obama's Birth Certificate for posterity. Still Campbell doesn't bite. Well, maybe he took a nibble.

Colbert Takes On Torture In "The Word"

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - A Perfect World
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMark Sanford

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jim Quinn Calls Sen. Boxer The "B" Word

This is from the July 17th, 2009 radio broadcast of "The War Room with Quinn & Rose. Towards the end of the clip, you'll hear Mr. Quinn slap a crude moniker on Sen. Barbara Boxer. But you don't see Boxer whining in the media about it like Sarah Palin, do you?

Lauryn Hill Unplugged

Ann Coulter Embraces Her Wrongness

Saying Ann Coulter is wrong is redundant but still, good video.

Nancy Grace Is An Idiot

I will be posting many more videos of public figures being owned on camera because it's just funny. In this clip Nancy gets owned by Elizabeth Smart who was kidnapped and later found.

2 thoughts: 1. This is what a really crappy "journalist" looks like and 2. Nancy's ears don't work to well.

Janeane Garofalo Sends Brian Kilmeade Back To The Kiddie Table

This an old segment from Fox & Friends where Brian Kilmeade is caught on camera being dumfounded by Janeane Garofalo. Probably the most entertaining segment in the show's history. It gets heated too.

Sunday, July 19, 2009